Difference Between Pedagogy and Andragogy
Objective: To highlight the key differences between Pedagogy and Andragogy Reading Duration: 2 minutes Etymologically, the two words can be read as: Pedagogy : Paidi (child) + ago (guide) Andragogy : Andras (man) + ago (guide) Pedagogy (teaching children) is in many ways very much different from Andragogy (teaching adults). To understand the difference, we can use a simple analogy. How different is it to fill an empty container versus to replace the content of a container that is already full of different articles? Swami Vivekanand once said, "Education is the manifestation of the divine perfection already existing in man." And Aristotle said, "Education is the process of creating a sound mind in the sound body." If I don't lean towards philosophy, Swami Vivekanand's definition seems to be more about Andragogy whereas Aristotle's definition has more to do with Pedagogy. But of course, this is my personal view. Image courtesy:...